00. Spanish, 09: Sex When Living with HIV

Lubricante anal: Una historia de amor de «no fricción»

Por Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, División de Enfermedades Infecciosas, y revisado medicamente por Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > Este tema es divertido, […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

Anal lubricant: A ‘Non-Friction’ Love Story

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center This topic is a fun one, so we’re going to *dive straight […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

5 Ways to Meet Gay Men in the COVID-19 Era

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center We’re not post-pandemic yet, but thanks to science and research, many of […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

You can master erotic massages for your partner

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center If the last year has proven anything, we need touch.😜😩😏 Many of […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

Helpful Suggestion: Put a Ring on It

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center There’s an old western philosophy that says, go with the flow and […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

Buying Your First Sex Toy

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center Well if you’re reading this because you’re interested in taking a deep […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

Types of orgasm and how to achieve them!

By: Ann Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center If there was any way for me to institute more human rights, I would. I would add housing and health care, along with internet […]

05: HIV Healthcare, 09: Sex When Living with HIV

9 easy convo tips for a first date

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center Real talk: If you agree the first date is always the worst, […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

Sexy and safe holiday gifts to give your partner this year

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center This holiday season is quickly approaching, and we want you to enjoy […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV, Uncategorized

Spicy sex: How to keep sexy time fun & fresh

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center You already know that we are all about sex here 😉 , […]