02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV

Video: Jen gets her flu shot!

Jen gets her flu shot! 💉 Did you know an annual flu shot is recommended for people who are living with HIV? 🤔 It will help protect you from that big, bad bug that’s trying […]

05: HIV Healthcare, 06: Talking to a Doctor

Can HIV meds stop working?

If you have HIV, your life depends on taking the right anti-retroviral drugs. So it’s only natural to wonder: Can HIV meds stop working? The answer is sometimes—but it’s not something to panic about or […]

00. Spanish, 05: HIV Healthcare, 06: Talking to a Doctor

¿Pueden dejar de funcionar las medicinas para el VIH?

Si tienes VIH, tu vida depende de que tomes los medicamentos antirretrovirales adecuados. Así que es natural que te preguntes: ¿Pueden dejar de funcionar los medicamentos antirretrovirales? La respuesta es a veces, pero no es […]

00. Spanish, 09: Sex When Living with HIV

¿Qué es la PrEP?

Por: Ann Avery, médica de enfermedades infecciosas de Metrohealth Medical Center. Ver todos los blogs en español > Si crees que puedes correr el riesgo de infectarte por el VIH, pero aún no estás infectado, […]

09: Sex When Living with HIV

What is PrEP?

By: Ann Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center If you think you might be at risk of becoming infected with HIV — but you’re not infected already — you really need to […]

05: HIV Healthcare

World AIDS Day

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, LISW-S, Division of Infectious Disease and medically reviewed by Ann Avery, Infectious Disease Physician at Metrohealth Medical Center Every year on December 1, people all over the world celebrate World […]

02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV

Tips for swallowing pills

  Living with HIV can sometimes give you so much to think about that you might overlook the basics. Like, for instance, what if you have trouble getting pills down? By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, MSSA, […]

15: Trans and HIV

HIV prevention for the transgender community

As a trans person, you know you can’t change the world overnight. For some, acceptance might be a long road to walk down. By: Ann Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center But […]

13: Dealing with Addiction & HIV

Is smoking harmful when you're living with HIV?

Staying on your HIV meds adds years to your life. Smoking cigarettes subtracts from those years. By: Ann Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center The science is crystal clear: About one out […]

11: Healthy Habits, 17: Young and Positive

Taking responsibility for your health when you're living with HIV

This isn’t a video game where you can earn new lives. You only get one life, and it’s up to you to do your best with the one you’ve got. OK, so there is some […]