02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV, 12: Mental health, 17: Young and Positive

Dealing with hate while living with HIV

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center When it comes to HIV, there are a […]

12: Mental health

HIV, the brain, and depression

By: Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center You’ve probably heard of depression before, but it can get a little confusing. Depression is a syndrome, which is a bunch of symptoms […]

00. Spanish, 08: Peer Support, 12: Mental health

Cómo lidiar con el duelo cuando muere un amigo por causas relacionadas al VIH

Escrito por la Dra Ann K. Avery, MD, médica de enfermedades infecciosas del MetroHealth Medical Center Ver todos los blogs en español > Perder a un ser querido es una de las cosas más difíciles […]

08: Peer Support, 12: Mental health

Coping with grief when friends die from HIV-related issues

By: Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Losing someone you love is one of the hardest things in the world. When you’re living with HIV, their death can be even […]

12: Mental health

How thoughts and emotions affect your health—using positive affirmations

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Your emotional wellbeing has a big impact on […]

00. Spanish, 12: Mental health

Cómo los pensamientos y emociones afectan tu salud: El uso de las afirmaciones positivas

Escrito por Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, trabajadora social de VIH en MetroHealth Medical Center y revisada médicamente por Ann K. Avery, MD, médica de enfermedades infecciosas en MetroHealth Medical Center Ver todos los blogs en […]

01: Blogs With Audio Content, 05: HIV Healthcare, 08: Peer Support, 12: Mental health, 17: Young and Positive

How to deal with depression and suicidal thoughts

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center We’ve talked about depression on the blog a […]

02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV, 12: Mental health, 18: Know Your Rights

Health benefits of animal therapy

By: Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Animal-assisted therapy is a field that uses animals to help people deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), physical injuries, and other health […]

02: Everyday Advice for Living with HIV, 12: Mental health

How to be more body positive when you’re living with HIV

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Developing a healthy body image is something we […]

01: Blogs With Audio Content, 12: Mental health

Tips for picking the right therapist or counselor

By: Jennifer McMillen Smith, LISW-S, HIV Social Worker at MetroHealth Medical Center and medically reviewed by Ann K. Avery, MD, Infectious Disease Physician at MetroHealth Medical Center Some days it’s all too much. Maintaining your […]