Cool features of the Positive Peers app: Part 3

Positive Peers is a tailored smartphone app with a private, stigma-free, supportive community to support people who are living with HIV. The app is secure and accessible only through a confidential registration process.

You can only gain entry into the app by registering in person at MetroHealth. (Currently, the app is only available to people living in the Cleveland, OH area.) To schedule a time to register, you can call Joshua Kratz at 216-778-8137 or email [email protected].

(Read more in our blog: Cool features of the Positive Peers app: Part 1 and Part 2)

If you are already in the app, check out these cool features! And remember, if there are any suggestions you have for things you’d like to see in the app, let us know. We’re always looking to improve the app experience for the Positive Peers community! 

Medication Reminders

Remember the Health Score app we mentioned in our first blog? You can improve your score every week and keep track of how you’re doing compared with other members in the app. One of the best things you can do for your health is to take your meds everyday, but it can be easy to have it slip your mind when you have a million other things you need to do every day.

That’s why the app has a built-in medication reminder setting. You can set up to two times for an interactive reminder to pop up on your phone. Some Positive Peers members even make this into a game where they try to remember to take their meds before the reminder even pops up!

To change medication reminder notifications:

  • Tap the “hamburger” button in the top right corner.
  • This will reveal your options menu. Select Settings.
  • In settings you can:
    • Turn on or off notifications for:
      • Medication reminders at specific times

Tales of Triumph

Tales of Triumph are personal stories from members of the app. Check these out to find inspiration, hope, and support from your peers in the app whose lives have also been touched by HIV. Some of these stories are exclusive to the app, so this is the only place you’ll be able to find them.

To check out Tales of Triumph:

  • On the navigation bar, click Resources.
  • Click Tales of Triumph.
  • Be inspired 🙂


Come join our private, stigma-free, supportive community.

Health management tools with medication & appointment reminders.
Social networking in a community conversation & private chats.


Community Resources

People living with HIV understand that HIV is just one thing that people need to manage in daily life. That’s why the Positive Peers app has plenty of community resources to offer support in other areas of life as well. You can find different contact numbers and information for all types of organizations, like those for mental health, legal assistance, LGBT-affirming clinics, housing support, addiction support, utility assistance, and even food pantries nearby.

To access resources:

  • Go to the main navigation bar. On Android, this bar is at the top of the screen. On Apple, it’s at the bottom.
  • Click Resources
  • Click Community Resources

Crisis Helplines

One final feature we want to make sure we mention in the app in the Crisis Helplines. This is a resource available for when you need to speak with someone about something going on in your life. Sometimes, we all need 1-on-1 counseling for some things that we need help with.

Note: Crisis helplines numbers are not for medical emergencies. If you’re experiencing a medical emergency, call 911.

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Positive Peers is made possible through a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Grant to The MetroHealth System. Click here for more information about the SPNS grant initiative.
Positive Peers is a private app for young people living with HIV. Learn how you can earn rewards for your participation.